
Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about Heaven … but Never Dreamed of Asking is unavailable, but you can change that!

With the spirit of C. S. Lewis, Kreeft provides an unsurpassed look at the nature of Heaven that offers readers a refreshingly clear, theologically sound, and always fascinating glimpse of the “undiscovered country.” Kreeft’s engaging and informative account thoughtfully answers intriguing questions about heaven, speaking to the mind and heart.

women shaped into gods and goddesses. Lesser images too were designed to reflect Heavenly glory: kings and queens, heraldry and courtesy and ceremony, authority and obedience—these were not just practical socio-economic inventions but steps in the Cosmic Dance, links in the Great Chain of Being, rungs on Jacob’s ladder, earthly reflections of Heaven. Distinctively premodern words like glory, majesty, splendor, triumph, awe, honor—these were more than words; they were lived experiences. More, they
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